The currency trading (FOREX) market is the biggest and fastest growing financial market on earth. More than 2.5 trillion dollars is traded daily. The participants in this market are banks, organizations, investors and private individuals. The market consist of the currencies of various countries. For example you buy Euro, paying with US dollars, or you sell Japanese Yens for Canadian dollars.
How does one profit in Forex?
Obviously, buy low and sell high. The profit potential comes from the fluctuations (changes) in the currency exchange market. The nice thing about the FOREX market, is that regular daily fluctuations, say - around 1%, are multiplied by 100.
How risky is Forex trading?
You cannot lose more than your "margin" (your initial investment) You may profit unlimited amounts, but you never lose more than what you initially risked. However your should only trade with risk capital in the Forex market.
What is FreedomRocks?
FreedomRocks is a long-term Forex investment strategy. As you understand the profit components explained below, the reasons for this long-term viewpoint will become apparent. As you read the descriptions of each component below, recognize that the first 2 components will virtually always be profitable.
Investors will realize profits in 3 very distinct ways as illustrated by the following formula:
Trading (Buying Low / Selling High) - Always profitable
Investors will make (on average) 2 - 5 trades per week (depending on overall market volatility). Since we always sell at a higher rate than we buy, those trades will always be profitable.
Interest - Virtually always profitable
Barring any significant shifts in world interest rates, investors will net a positive rate of interest each day on their portfolios. You can determine, in advance, the approximate amount of daily interest you will receive by using our Portfolio Allocator (based upon today's approximate interest rates). This money is deposited into your account by your broker each day. You are normally paid triple the daily interest amount on Wednesdays to compensate for the weekends.
Market Fluctuation - Can be positive or negative
This component is completely subject to the normal (and sometimes extreme) movements in the Forex market. It cannot be predicted with any degree of accuracy. In the long run, statisticians would tell us this should average out to zero. In the short run, however, market fluctuations can and will cause extreme movements (in both directions) in your account equity. We provide guidelines to help minimize these movements, but there are no guarantees. Over time, Trading profits and Interest profits will continue to build. The Market Fluctuation will either be positive or negative.
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segunda-feira, 17 de março de 2008
How to Choose the Right Strategy to Invest in the Forex Market
Postado por
Lo Ponchero Xuri
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