Finding and securing investment money for an Internet business can be tough. Just ask many of the dotcoms out there today. The entire process of building your business plan, coming up with potential investors and sealing the deal can be overwhelming, especially since many Internet businesses these days are one person companies operating out of one's home.
In order to get through the financing process relatively unscathed and with additional capital for your business, you must accept first and foremost that it will take time. While we may live in the computerized age, where information is transmitted in a matter of seconds and the other side of the world is just a point and click away, it may seem equally likely that securing investment money should be just as simple and speedy. But that is simply not the case.
According to Dave Lavinsky, President of, it can take between 500-1000 hours to prepare, seek out and secure financing for a business. Knowing this ahead of time can save you a lot of grief, and allow you to budget your time accordingly.
What is Financing?
According to, financing is "the act or process or an instance of raising or providing funds." defines it as meaning "providing necessary capital." Regardless of definition, financing is a necessity for most businesses. The old adage, "it takes money to make money" still rings true, making it quite a necessary to seek out investment money whether from a SBA loan, a venture firm, or other sources.
Why Financing is Vital for Your Internet Business
You may get away with starting your business without investment money. You may fly by on a shoestring budget and stay in the black. But what about if you want to expand your business, serve more customers and offer more products? In order to grow you will need capital and the best way of obtaining said capital is by means of investment and loan money.
Regular brick and mortar businesses face these same sorts of challenges when looking to expand, but Internet businesses must be even more careful. Before reading on and going down the business expansion road, ask yourself the following questions:
Are you dedicated?
Just because your business is online does not mean it is any easier to run or you can take special shortcuts. In fact, obtaining capital for your online business can be more difficult at times. Be sure that that you truly want to expand your business and have a plan before beginning a search for investors.
Do you have a plan?
Many people jump into the world of starting an online business without thinking it through. Where will your office be? Will you work from home? How much will it cost to start your business? Who is your target consumer? Or, if you've already started your business and merely wish to expand, why do you want to expand? Will it truly be beneficial to your business? Have you studied the marketplace? It may sound like a lot to consider, but you'll be thankful that you did. There's nothing worse than starting a business and then realizing there's no way it can be profitable after you've thrown your savings into the business capital.
Are you aware of the risks?
Starting or growing a business is a risk. It requires money to start and flourish-most of which will likely come out of your pocket or go on your credit record. While owning your own business can be exciting and extremely fulfilling, be sure to understand much of your business success will directly affect your personal success. If you have a family to support and your business fails, what will you do? Always be conscious of the worst that could happen so you can be prepared and avoid such unfortunate roadblocks as much as possible.
Still with us? Good. Now you can venture into the world of gaining capital for your Internet business. Learn how to write an effective business plan, find where to look for investors and what to look for in investors.
Good luck and happy financing!
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segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2008
Get Investment Money For Your Dreams
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Lo Ponchero Xuri
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