When designing a stock-based retirement investment plan, you can count on two things- risk and uncertainty. However, the risks and uncertainties involved in stock trading certainly have benefits. The return on investment in stock based investment plans far out paces the returns on investment of certificates of deposit, Passbook Savings Accounts and savings bonds. By taking advantage of the risks and benefits of the stock market, you can achieve maximum return on your investment.
The main goal for your retirement investment plan should be complete financial freedom. A solid plan that takes inflation in account can provide you with a steady income that will allow such financial freedom throughout the length of your retirement. A well designed plan will also allow you to do this without disturbing your principle investment.
It takes discipline to achieve your retirement financial goals, but it having financial goals that are specific and clear can help maintain that discipline. Even with discipline, your retirement investment plan should not become a financial burden on you. Your ideal plan will require as little as $100 to start and only $10 a quarter to keep the plan working toward your goal. With a little discipline and forethought, the retirement invest plan can increase in value at the end of each fiscal year until you reach retirement. With proper planning, your investment plan can withstand the natural price stock price fluctuations.
Your retirement investment plan shouldn't be an untested plan. Your retirement investment is too important to be risked for an untried scheme. It should have a past history of documented success. With past successes, you can have the confidence to maintain the plan and achieve your goal. By maintaining the investment plan yourself, you avoid the high fees that can cut into your return. You can reinvest the savings and watch your plan grow.
If you work for a company that has its own retirement investment plan, be sure that the plan has a solid record of rising yearly dividends. A retirement investment plan with dividend increases for a number of consecutive years can be reasonably expected to continue its strong performance.
Another consideration when thinking about a company sponsored retirement investment plan is the rate of commission. Ideally, the plan will be commission-free. With a commission-free plan all profits from quarterly cash dividends can be reinvested and can make the value of your retirement plan grow.
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sexta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2008
Retire With a Little Help From the Stock Market
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Lo Ponchero Xuri
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