The 14 week ATR (Average True Rate) for the Euro has hit an all time low in the last 21 years. This clearly indicates that the trading ranges between currencies especially Euro and USD have shrunk considerably and this does not augur well for the forex trading market at all. However, the investors should not lose heart as this current situation is just temporary and, I’m pretty sure that things will look up after some time. After all, this is just a part and parcel of online forex trading and the investors have to be a bit patient till the currency trading market sees through this period.
I’d like to advice the investors to be a bit more watchful and defensive in their approach this time around because of such low daily movements. However, they should remember that this volatility is somewhat cyclical and this could also go up in the near future. In the same breath, I would say that the possibility of a U-turn in the existing forex trading signals can not be ruled out either. In fact, if there were no movements in the FX trading market, then it would be quite difficult for the investors to make profits, right?
However, now the major question that could be playing in your mind is whether and for how long the weakness of the USD against the Euro will linger. The dollar once again has registered a record low and this has set off a lot of questions in the minds of the currency trading investors. This has largely been the reasons why the volatility has gone down drastically in the currency market this time around.
Though this quite sounds like blowing my own trumpet, I would say that the investors using my online forex trading broker system are in the safe zone even during this bleak phase. The forex trading system developed by me offers precise, clear and accurate forex day trading signals to the investors enabling them to make right moves.
Let me tell you why it has been so successful in the currency trading market. My forex trading system has been developed after exhaustive technical research, rigorous testing and years of live trading for major currencies in the market. Many subscribers of my system were quite novice about forex trading when they started off trading, but most of them have already improved their forex pips ever since they began using my system.
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quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2008
Increase Your Forex Pips When The Market is Down
Postado por
Lo Ponchero Xuri
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